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3D illustration of pawns linked together by many golden lines over black background. Social connections concept.
Good Day Change Maker!

Thank you for taking the courageous step to take action. Whether you are just starting out, seeking to the level up, or legacy planning our team of experts are here to guide you every step of the way. Why waste precious time and resources spinning your wheels when you can access the roadmap to success. Our smart solutions are proven and effective.

At Fundraise411, it is our distinct privilege to work along side some of the greatest minds of today. By working together, we are able to create and apply innovative solutions to the most pressing issues in business and in the community.

Success does not happen by chance, it happens by choice. Connect with us  today to get started on the exciting journey of anchoring your dream into reality. We look forward to hearing from you. Until then, expect greater! 

What We Do?

 Fundraise411 is a world class consultancy applying smart solutions steeped in best practice and effective measures. We are dream builders that provide small business and nonprofit top tier consulting services focused on three critical phases of growth.


Coach, Consult and Create


Consult, Strengthen and Diversify


Consult, Grow and Systematize

Our Services
Opportunity Assessment
Prospect Research
Compliance Support
MWBE, DBE & VOSB Certification
Grant Writing & Management
Executive Coaching
Starting A New Nonprofit
Bid Preparation
Professional Development
Learn More
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Case Studies
UMC Logo Final
Launch & Scale

Led the creation and guided the legal formation of United Megacare, a 501(c)3 community based nonprofit founded by Bishop TD Jakes. Developed and implemented the action plan to launch and scale the agency into the premier social services organization in the City of Dallas and beyond. Instituted the Social Impact Project for inclusion in the annual International Leadership Summit.

Scale & Sustain

Secured, support, leverage and provided management support of government contracts including NSLP and       E-Rate resulting in significant revenue growth positioning the school to secure a multi-million real estate purchase. Identified and secured private and public grant funding for tech infrastructure, distance learning and student services. Support ongoing federal and state compliance standards and train staff as needed.

CHOICES approved white
Launch & Scale

Led the formation of Choices Inc., a nonprofit, founded by passionate healthcare professionals and lived-experienced persons to address adolescent substance abuse and mental health in Massachusetts. Guided key messaging, organizational structure, content development and completed all state and federal compliance measures for 501(c)3 designation. Raised over $3 million in the initial 2 years of operation via state (HHS), federal (SAMHSA), private and corporate grants. 

 satisfied Customers